Sunday, January 30, 2011

Home at Last!

Friday night I was setting the boys up with my Mom so I could have a long awaited Mom's Night Out with my homeschool friends. Pizza plays a big part of my get away plan and while I was picking it up, Mom arrived at the house. When I came inside I started to put down the pizza when Austin said, "Mom, I think there is something in your room that you need to see." Oh, great. My mind started filling in the blanks with all kinds of messes little boys and furry dogs can make. I walked in the room and turned on the light, pizza in hand, and there stood my DH home three days early from his three week long desert trip.

Being the articulate lady I am when surprised, I said, "What are you DOING here?!" After all I was late for mom's night out. We both laughed at me and I ditched the pizza and got some long awaited hugs.

Being the sweety he is he insisted that I go right then for my night out while he kept the kids. So for the past few days we have had date night, watched movies together, hiked with the boys and eaten real meals at the kitchen table. It is SO wonderful to have my best friend around again! Poor thing is wiped out from all those 14 hour days though. He is asleep on the couch again! LOL!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful surprise! I'm glad he made it home safely:)
