There was this...
and some of this...
Chuck E in his Christmas finest wasn't nearly as scary as Mr Munch (the purple dude) dressed in a SANTA costume on the video. (We aren't even going to talk about their rendition of the Dreidel Song...)
G and the birthday boy racing.
The coaster machine is a favorite to ride and watch.
Group shot!
Super hero poses please!
Here I am thinking that Wednesday is going to be a nice boring day for me after that. I had to take the boys to buy Austin new pants (he is officially in men's wear: 30x30) and then we were free until praise team practice tonight. After baking up a yummy Dairy Free casserole for supper, the boys and I ate early. Something we NEVER do. We were just finishing cleaning up around five o'clock when I heard one of those screams that makes your heart stop. I ran into the living room and G was laying in the floor behind the desk screaming with his hand over his mouth. When I pulled it back to look there was a ton of blood. Oh, great! Having two older boys I know that head wounds tend to bleed like crazy, so I moved him quickly to the kitchen and dabbed it off to see the damage. Yep. Looks like stitches to me!
Here is G at the ER
He hung out and played games on Daddy's phone.
Here is Lou. Read his face. It is saying, WHY are we taking pictures at the ER?
Uh, because the camera is still in my purse and I am BORED. Duh. ;oP They applied the topical numbing solution to his lip and we waited some more... Zzzzz. When Dr Christian (I kid you not cousin) came in a started stitching him up he FREAKED out. SO unlike G. As the second stitch went in the Dr said, I hate to tell you this, but he can feel everything. Ugh! Poor baby! We held him down as the third stitch went in and he continued to screamed and cried. When they finished Lou picked him up and the Dr started relaying instructions to me. I started to get that not so conscious feeling... I made like I HAD to pick the coats up off the floor so as to put my head down and still listen. When it was just us again I headed in the bathroom to pat my face down with cold water. Sheesh! I'm going to be a fainter now?!
By the time we hit the parking lot G was feeling his O's and asking for his ice cream at Kalidascoops. You got it buddy!
G has loved telling his brothers and grandparents about how brave he was and that Mommy almost fainted! LOL!
Lou and Simon ahve the same phone!